Item Description Quantity Amount Total
40 Area Domains Design & Development 10 Domains for Eviction Services
10 Domains for Divorce Services
10 Domains for Living Trust Services
10 Domains for Probate Services
40 $50 $2000
Divorce Page Integration to LDA PRO Legal Integration of Divorce Service page
Adding Area Pages focusing on Divorce Services
1 $150 $150
Hosting With SSL for 1 Year 40 Service Area Domains 40 $30 $1200
Automation Software

Project Scopes

1. Creating an automation Software for LDA PRO Legal
2. Adding functionality to create conditional Forms
3. Adding Own Payment Gateways
4. Form Submission Management
5. Progress Tracking
6. Automated PDF Generation
7. Reports Generation
8. User & Roles Management
9. Profile Management

Technology Used

1. React for the Front End Dashboard
2. PHP for the Form Integration
3. Laravel for the Backend and API Management
4. MySql for Database Handling


More or Less 90 days

1 $2500 $2500
LDA PRO Legal Static Website

Project Scopes

1. Developing the front end using React
2. Developing the backend Using Laravel
3. Creating the API Using Middleware

Technology Used

1. React for the Front End Dashboard
2. Laravel for the Backend and API Management
3. MySql for Database Handling


More or Less 30 days

1 $1500 $1500
Sub Total $7350.00
Paypal Charge 6% Fee $441.00
Total $7791.00

Payment Plans

Item Description % Paypal Fee Amount Remaining
First installment Upfront Payment 1. 100% of the work for domains
2. 50% for the Static Lda Pro Legal Website and Dashboard
3. $1000 for the software
6% $5100.00 $2691.00
Final installment After completion of the maximum Software Task 1. Remaining 50% for LDA PRO LEGAL
2. Remaining $1500 for the software
6% $2691.00 $00.00